To our Summer Sky Creation customers,
It is with our deepest regret that we will be temporarily closing our shop.
With the ever increasing costs of steel and other supplies and our desire to not increase our prices, we will close our doors. We have not passed these costs on to our customers and do not wish to at this time. However, due to these circumstances, we have made the decision to temporarily close our doors.
Our shop has been open for more than 12 years and it saddens us deeply to make this decision. We hope this is short-lived, but for now, we want to thank our customers for their continued business.
We appreciate your understanding in this situation. Feel free to send us your comments info@SummerSkyCreations.com or visit our Facebook page, and post a message.
Duane and Birgitte Hipple
Our customer photo galleries:
Gallery 01 - Gallery 02 - Gallery 03
Gallery 04 - Gallery 05 - Gallery 06
Gallery 07 - Gallery 08 - Gallery 09
Gallery 10 - Gallery 11